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What to Expect in a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling Interview

two people talking and looking at paperwork during an interview

In vocational rehabilitation and counselling services, initial interviews are a standard practice used to get to know clients and participants better, to build trust and rapport, to explain roles or clarify responsibilities, to review the purpose of services, to disclose confidentiality, to gather information by asking questions about concerns or presenting issues, and in some cases to set the stage for the initial process of identifying a person's interests, strengths, abilities, barriers, limitations, needs, and goals.

If you're a potential client or participant who is interested in seeking out vocational rehabilitation and counselling services, here is a basic and simplified version of what you might be able to expect in an initial interview with a vocational rehab professional or counsellor:

In the beginning of an interview with a vocational rehabilitation counsellor, it is common to set the stage for getting to know each other with some basic introductions and questions. For example, the dialogue might go something like this:

"Hi my name is ________ and I’m a vocational rehabilitation counsellor on your health care rehabilitation team.

Thank you for meeting with me for our scheduled appointment today. Is this still a good time for you to speak with me?

I see your name is listed as _________. Do you have a preference for how you would you like to be addressed?

I’ve got about 60 minutes to spend with you and I’d like to share about my role, the purpose of meeting today, and confidentiality. I’d also like to ask some questions to get to know you better and learn about any of the issues or challenges you’re experiencing, as it affects doing the things that are important to you in your day to day activities and with staying in or returning to work. How does that sound?

In my role as a vocational rehabilitation counsellor, I’m interested in learning how I might be able to support you with any challenges you’re having with doing the activities that are important to you in your day to day living and quality of life, such as things related to career, employment, and work activities.

The purpose of meeting with you is to get to know you a bit and to learn about how things are going with your occupations or activities of daily living (especially regarding productivity) – both in terms of your strengths and challenges. Later on, if it seems appropriate, we might decide together to create a plan with action steps to support you in achieving your goals.

Everything we discuss is confidential and will only be shared with people you give consent to share info with, such as family members, friends, supports, or other members of your health care team.

So, before I ask you some additional questions, how are you feeling in terms of your level of comfort right now?"

After setting up this first part of the interview and confirming that you feel comfortable with proceeding, the vocational rehabilitation counsellor will likely continue to engage you in additional questions. The body of their questions might look something like this:

"There may be some questions that feel sensitive or personal for you, and I want to respect that, so if you feel uncomfortable or don’t want to share about a topic, please let me know and we’ll move on.

I noticed from reading your intake form that you experienced (health/medical issue) about (timeframe) ago and you’re experiencing (symptoms). Is that correct? If not, is there anything else you'd like to add to this?

What are the most important issues that you’d like to share about any challenges you’re facing with participating in your career, employment, or work activities?

So, I’ve got a pretty good sense about how things are going for you with work activities. I noticed from your intake form, it sounds like you’re (employment or work status, education, training). I’m curious, what concerns do you have about your transition with returning to work?

That was helpful to hear about your work and background. Now, I’m interested in hearing about your strengths and what supports you have available at home or in the community. How would someone who knows you well (a family member or friend) describe the things you’re good at? What people in your life are available to support you during this time while you’re recovering, rehabilitating, or returning to work?

Okay, quick check-in. We’ve been talking for a while… how are you feeling right now? We’re getting close to being finished with our session for today. Do you have any other questions, concerns, or thoughts you’d like to share with me?"

After discussing any of your questions, concerns, or thoughts, the vocational rehabilitation counsellor will likely begin to wrap up the session with some closing comments and questions. It might go something like this:

"So, I’d like to recap and summarize some of the important things I heard you say so far. It sounds like ___________. Does that sound about right or did I miss anything?

As for next steps, I’d like to schedule our follow-up session (might be for vocational assessment, planning, counselling, and/or interventions) together, preferably at a time in the day that is convenient and after you've had a chance to do any self-care to feel at your best. That way I can see first hand how it’s going for you. Would that be okay? What day and time works best for you next week?

Thanks for your time. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit and appreciate you being willing to meet and share with me. I’ll see you next week. Bye!"

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